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Diamond saw blade for automatic cutting


  • Long working life
  • High efficiency with low replacement frequency
  • Better safety


Suitable for high power and high rotation speed process for cast steel or cast iron.

Available Size Chart

UHD diamond saw blade is stuiable for high powder and high rotation speed automatic cutting equipment, with long working life, low replacement frequency and better safety. The balde can fully play the advantage of automatci cutting equipment, therefore reduce labor cost and ensure personal safety.

TypeSpecificationRPMApplicable material
UDS600M16600*5.0*322800Cast steel, cast iron
UDS500M45500*3.3*453400Cast steel, cast iron
UDS450450*3.0*323600Cast steel, cast iron
UDS400M45400*3.0*454000Cast steel, cast iron
UDS400T5400*5.0*1504000Cast steel, cast iron
UDS400/80400*2.7*804000Cast steel, cast iron


We offer customer-specific segment geometries, catering for every tooling concept and application. We offer the comprehensive technical literature and expert advice from our application-engineering team.

Quality Certification

The following is the certificate of our company, please feel free to contact the customer service if you need.

Advanced Testing Equipment

Technical Literature:
  • Diamond impact toughness
  • Diamond static compressive strength
  • Hardness
  • Dynamic balance
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